Fear of crowds in small spaces in the pandemic is spurring new norms and technological changes for the people-moving machines that make skyscrapers possible. Of the many stressful spaces in a coronavirus-stricken city, elevators are among the most fraught. All but the fanciest require touching germy surfaces to operate…
El miedo a las multitudes en pequeños espacios en la pandemia está impulsando nuevas normas y cambios tecnológicos para las máquinas de movimiento de personas que hacen posible los rascacielos. De los muchos espacios estresantes en una ciudad afectada por el coronavirus, los ascensores se encuentran entre los más…
Interlift 2021: the lift industry relies on the sector’s leading international trade fair in times of crisis as well Augsburg – “Lockdown!” – Just a few short weeks ago, only a very few people would have understood this term. That’s all very different now. The Corona crisis has hit the…
Nora Kamiñetzky 30 years ago, Rubén García and Hugo Machado courageously went on the adventure of creating their own elevator maintenance company. “We had the no,” says García, “so we went for the yes, in search of personal and economic growth.” Today, at the top of the pyramid, experience…
Jennifer White Karp New York City elevator etiquette usually involves a certain routine: If there are people already in the elevator when the doors open, they will make room for you. Your job is to step inside, turn around, and face the door (small talk not recommended). It’s a little social…
El boom de la construcción en Chile produjo entre muchos aspectos positivos que el parque de ascensores haya llegado en poco tiempo a los 44.000 equipos instalados, lo que significa un crecimiento importantísimo para el Sector. Y una de las empresas que protagoniza esta expansión que no se detiene es…
Vincent Tse, Director General, Building Mechanics for China, talks to us about the technical challenges associated with the design of vertical transport systems (TV) for tall and very tall towers and its solutions for the most efficient buildings possible. The design of vertical transportation systems in tall and very…
September 7 – 9 I Dubai I United Arab Emirates Great Interesting Elevator Show Dubai – the new Elevator Trade Fair of the interlift-oganizers AFAG and Elevator World Nurnberg. There is great interest in the new elevator trade fair organised by Interlift organiser AFAG in cooperation with Elevator…
Stephen Lynch It put the “Upper” into the East Side. It prevented Fifth Avenue from becoming Wall Street. It made “penthouse” the most important word in real estate. “The elevator played a role in the profound reorganization of the building,” he writes. That means a shift from single-family houses…
Al momento de usar un elevador, todos esperan utilizarlo sin ningún inconveniente. Es por esto que las leyes establecen una serie de condiciones para la realización de inspecciones y certificaciones de ascensores y montacargas. José Pedro Montecinos Rupprech, ingeniero consultor asociado de Dictuc, realiza el siguiente análisis con todo lo que…