It’s a fact of modern life: whether you’re driving down the Gardiner, sitting on the subway, or surfing the internet, you’ll likely end up staring at an advertisement. But what about when an advertisement stares back? That’s an uncomfortable reality residents at a Liberty Village condo are now…
Nora Kamiñetzky We were surprised by a splendid building of 2,100 square meters in Matheu Street, Lomas del Mirador. The new Beltek’s headquarters destined to be warehouse, factory, administration and show room has been built on what it used to be an old welding factory. It took a year to…
Estimados señores: Por la presente le informamos que a partir del 9 de mayo del corriente, el correo electrónico de la Sub Gerencia de Registro de Elevadores es: Es decir; se da de baja el correo electrónico: Además y, a los fines de aclarar toda duda…
On August 6, 2014, CEN (European Committee for Standardization) issued the new lift standards EN 81-20 and EN 81-50 for publication. These new standards will supersede the current standard EN 81-1/2+A3, which will be withdrawn on 31 August 2017, bringing safety rules for the construction and installation of the lifts…
Contactor-less frequency inverters are now state-of-the-art technology in the elevator industry. The silent operation of the elevator machine is valued by owners and operators of elevator systems. But what about the operation of the motor brake? Modern frequency inverters are fitted with the Safe Torque Off (STO) function, dispensing with…
MS, la tradicional empresa de la familia Sorrentino, fabricante de cerraduras de doble contacto, botoneras, y demás elementos para el ascensor, inauguró hace un año y medio la planta de su nueva empresa Metalúrgica Sorrentino, ubicada en el Mini Parque Industrial Berazategui donde fabrica los elementos mecánicos, para el transporte…
Wittur anuncia el lanzamiento al Mercado de su máquina WSG-52 de alto rendimiento. Wittur anuncia el lanzamiento de su máquina WSG-52 de tracción gearless para edificios de gran altura. Esta máquina está en la cima de la gama de máquinas gearless de Wittur Electric Drives GmbH con sede en…