Interlift 2023 has shown that it has returned to the level it got prior to Corona Virus time. Almost 19,000 top elevator experts from more than 110 countries visited Augsburg to learn about news and trends in the sector. And their assessment was clearly positive, as was that of the…
Interlift 2023 ha demostrado que ha vuelto al nivel de la era anterior al Corona Virus. Casi 19.000 expertos en ascensores de primer nivel, procedentes de más de 110 países estuvieron en Augsburgo para conocer las novedades y tendencias del sector. Y su valoración fue claramente positiva, al igual…
Last September 22, it took place in the City of La Plata, the 8th Congress of the Federation of Associations and Elevator Chambers of the Argentine Republic organized in close collaboration with the La Plata’s Elevator Chamber. The Federation, which has already turned 21 years old, has held this Congress…
Almost ten years after the ASCENSORES REGISTRADOS program was established, Revista del Ascensor interviewed the responsible for the sector, Eng. Roberto Lanz, in charge of the Operational control management and building maintenance and architect Camila Pota, who took over the elevator control sub-management position a year and a half ago,…
UNA GESTION A FAVOR DE LOS CONSERVADORES A casi diez años de haberse instituido el programa ASCENSORES REGISTRADOS, Revista del Ascensor se entrevistó con los responsables del sector, el Ing. Roberto Lanz, a cargo de la Gerencia Operativa de Fiscalización y Control de Mantenimiento Edilicio y la arquitecta Camila…
The Finnish company joins the top brands in the industry that have already chosen to be present next November at Fiera Milano (Rho). Milan, 4 September 2023 – KONE – global leader in the installation, maintenance and modernization of elevators, escalators and automatic doors for buildings – confirms…
The EFESME Members met to discuss the Federation’s activities, and how to continue to support lift SMEs, together. During a particularly interesting meeting, the Members discussed the various activities in favour of small and medium-sized enterprises carried over the past six months, and planned the future ones to ensure…
Los miembros de EFESME se reunieron para discutir las actividades de la Federación y cómo continuar apoyando a las PYME del ascensor. El 21 de junio, durante una reunión especialmente interesante, los miembros discutieron las diversas actividades a favor de las pequeñas y medianas empresas, llevadas a cabo durante…
Mridul Sharma, a 27-year-old political analyst, lives with a roommate in a condo near the top of a 45-storey tower in City Place. Their unit is next to one of the four elevators, so they’ve worked out a life hack to deal with the wait times. One will run out,…
John Lorinc Mridul Sharma, un analista político de 27 años, vive con un compañero de cuarto cerca de la cima de una torre de 45 pisos en City Place, Canadá. Su unidad está al lado de uno de los cuatro ascensores, por lo que idearon un truco para lidiar…