Urban elevators: The curious project at Jujuy

By 10 junio, 2019Destacado
ascensores urbanos

It is all about elements of connectivity between different levels, installed in different parts of the world, which become tourist points of reference since they are new viewpoint places. Here the details of this new project.


One of the most important announcements made by Mayor Architect Raúl Jorge during his opening speech at the legislative sessions was the construction of two urban elevators at San Salvador de Jujuy, capital city of the Argentine province of Jujuy.


In this context, the communal chief referred to a “paradigm shift in urban mobility” and stressed that it is about a unique work throughout the national territory.


Generally speaking, it was learned that there are two panoramic elevators with a 20 people each of capacity.


There will be a lower and a higher stop and, in both sectors, shipments will be built under roof.


At the top of the entrance door will be reached through a 60 meter footbridge finishing off in an urban viewpoint that "will surely become another tourist and architectural attraction in our city”. “The project seeks to articulate the Mariano Moreno and the Xibi Xibi neighborhoods through the Gorriti neighborhood” , was explained.


The work in question has been finalized in different parts of the world mainly where the urban lattice shows connectivity problems: Certain areas that have a complex topography with very steep slopes that make life difficult for disabled people, elderly and children, and therefore hinders their active participation in the city. The combination of catwalk and lift helps in many occasions solve geographic problems, such as the passage of a river or the connection between equipment located in
different heights and locations.


However, in addition to being elements of connectivity between different levels, they can as well, become in interesting tourist landmarks since they are new architectural  lookout spots, it was remarked from the San Salvador de Jujuy city hall.


An example of this is Citronella, a Spanish city town of Barcelona province, in Catalonia, with its new brick and glass tower located next to the city wall or also that of Echavacoiz, a neighborhood of the city of Pamplona, the capital of the Navarra Statutory Community, also in Spain.


Source: jujuyalmomento.com

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