Interlift | Messe Augsburg I Germany

By 22 noviembre, 2019Destacado

15 – 18 de octubre de 2019

The world’s leading trade fair for the elevator industry unimpressed by economic downturns: Top marks from exhibitors and visitors for the biggest interlift so far

Augsburg – Current global economic conditions certainly do not offer ideal conditions for growth. Nevertheless, Interlift 2019 with 577 exhibitors and 46,500m² of occupied space was the biggest so far. For the visitors, interlift was able to maintain its top value: 21,200 guests from 108 countries came to Augsburg to find out about innovations in the sector, while the proportion of foreign visitors remained virtually unchanged at 57% (2017: 58%).












Excellent participation results for interlift exhibitors

 The summer weather may have contributed a little bit to this, but essentially the good mood in the halls certainly had to do with the (once again) excellent Interlift. This was also the result of a survey of visitors and exhibitors conducted by Gelszus-Messemarktforschung, Dortmund.
Like two years ago, the Interlift exhibitors achieved excellent participation results. 68% of the companies rated their trade fair participation with the overall mark 1 (= very satisfied) and 2, the mark 3 was awarded by 23% of the exhibitors. Very high expectations are associated with the follow-up business generated at the Interlift: 22% of the companies awarded a grade of 1 (= very good expectations), 42% a grade of 2, 27% a grade of 3.










Share of top decision-makers rises again

 The outstanding quality of the visitors is an essential factor for the continuing success of Interlift. And with regard to their competence in procurement decisions, there was another relatively significant change in 2019: with the increase in the number of sole decision-makers from 32% to 37%, the highest figure to date was reached. A total of 87% of all visitors are involved in decisions – another record. This makes the evaluation of Interlift 2019 by these top-class experts all the more important: 69% of them awarded marks
1 and 2 (very good and good) and 23% a third place.

The future development of the elevator industry is viewed with optimism, but not quite as euphorically as it was two years ago. For example, “only” 23% of visitors expect the trend to rise sharply in the next few years – in 2017 this was still 34%. Altogether 62% expect a further upswing, only 10% a declining development.










Preparations will start shortly: Interlift 2021 from October 19 to 22

 Preparations for interlift 2021 will begin shortly, the registration documents for a stand area are already available for download on the interlift homepage


Press contact
AFAG Messen und Ausstellungen GmbH
Am Messezentrum 5
86159 Augsburg
phone +49 (0)821 – 5 89 82 – 143
Fax +49 (0)821 – 5 89 82 – 243


Technical sponsor
VFA-Interlift e.V.
Süderstr. 282
20537 Hamburg

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